This Week's Project...

I have been office'ing out of our main floor - dining & living room. The hubby's over it. And, really, I'm over having all my stuff spread out all over the place. If you know me then you know I am a hair away from being full-blown OCD-organized. I like baskets & labels more than one person should.

So, I've cleared my calendar and Mom's in town to help me turn the cold, window-less, spider living, roly-poly infested (which mom thinks are cute!!??) basement room into my brand-new office space. I feel confident that once we splatter some paint on the walls (purple is the color I've chosen...Corey's been calling it my "Miley Cyrus" room.), put together all the Ikea furniture we bought yesterday, buy a heater and cut out a large space for a window (okay...wishful thinking...) that the basement might not be so bad after all. Stay tuned. I'll post "after" pictures later this week. Oh, and pictures from our trip to Niagara Falls, Canada this weekend, too.

New Ikea office furniture (in the boxes):

1 comment:

Sara Moon said...


what a wonderful idea and opportunity for you!!