The more you have the less you take

It seems pretty common with parents worldwide - the more kids you have, the less pictures you take. With number 1 you have 1,000 pictures documenting their every move, but by number 3 your hands are full and documenting their every move falls low on the totem pole.

Luckily, this mom decided to call in a professional. ;) She saw my card at a local bookstore here (yippeeee! :)) and called me up to take pictures of just her one and only number 3. He was as adorable in life as he looks in these pictures. And, he was a great model (as long as he could see those chocolate covered blueberries (which he got through the whole shoot as mini-briberies)). I'm all for briberies....and adorable little boys that wear shirts that have Africa on them along with the word "Discovered". My kind of guy.

and, the signature feet shot (I can't help myself)

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