It's what it says on my header, right? Unfortunately, I don't think I'm the best at truly posting notes from my journey. It's easier to post photos of others and call it "my journey"....well, I guess it is my journey, too...
In the last book Annie Leibovitz wrote she said that she was going to do a book of her work life and then one later of her personal life, but then realized that they were so intertwined with one another that it was nearly impossible. And, what's the point, right? As artists, it truly is impossible to keep life & work separate.
So, today I think I'll share just a bit of the journey I'm on right journey...
When I officially launched in January as a true bonafide LLC it was the scariest thing I've ever done. One day I'd feel confident and full of life, the next I'd reprimand myself for being so arrogant as to think that anyone would like (even more...want to pay for!) my work. But, then slowly people started to respond and I started to get jobs. Slowly....actually, rather quickly I started to feel more and more confident about calling myself a professional. And, the more I put myself out there, the more I was out in the field, the more shoots I got under my belt, the more I researched other professional photographers, the more I felt confident, and proud to call myself a professional photographer. Don't get me wrong, there are still days (I think I might have to count today as one of those) where I'm afraid that this business won't ever truly take off.
For those of you who have ever given me any verbal affirmation in my work, I remember. I will forever. It's tucked away, there to retrieve when I need to be reminded that what I do is good and meaningful and worth it. Because I see it fitting here, just last night I told my husband that I was going to replace him with my sister on my profile (top left side of blog). I think she has been the most encouraging person to me as I've headed down this path. Thank you, big sis. I love you bunches.
So, the point of this post (if you're still reading)...I have had a constant struggle with my pricing list. I guess I've felt that I'd rather have business and make okay money then nothing at all. But, recently I've gotten several nudges from people saying that I am basically giving my work away. Just this past week I had lunch with a local photographer. We had an unforgettable exchange of words...
Cheryl: "Do you know how good you are?"
Me: "Yes, I think I do."
Cheryl: "Then why in the world is your stuff priced so low?!?!"
Me: "Well, because.......well.....what if no one hires me?"
Cheryl: "You are underestimating yourself. Now, go home and change your prices. Tonight."
No lie. She called me 1/2 an hour later to let me know just how serious she was. I immediately put my boutique blog "under construction". I have now stepped on the other side of my re-pricing and I feel good....okay, I'm nervous & kind of freaking out, but I do feel good. I feel good about the talent I have - a God-given, natural talent. I know that when I compare my work with others I get all the more confident. I see the work of 'my favorites' (bottom left of blog) and I feel like I can hang.
My problem, I guess is my own confidence. And, no one can help me with that, but myself. So, I'm on a journey...a journey in believing in myself and believing in what I do. I have lots to learn, yes, but when it comes to truly capturing life, I've got it down. {okay, now all I need to do is repeat this in the mirror ten times a day...;)} Thanks for stopping by. Hugs & kisses to you all.
Today I'm editing. Check out this little guy's shirt (it says 'Discovered'). Fitting for the journey I'm on, don't ya think? ;)

It's been so fun to see your pictures go from good to great, even incredible. Even if I weren't your friend I would be inspired by your work. Thanks! (and thanks for sharing too...)
Ok, seriously. I look at your photos and I can honestly say they are some of the best photos I've ever seen in my life. Everything about them is good. I look at them and think WOW...with just about every one! I never get tired of looking at your photos. So, yes, you are fantastic! But, you already knew that...I think. :) I will be praying for you and your work, friend. I hope someday you can do some photos for us.
I LOVE looking at all of the pictures that you take! I think that you do have an amazing talent that God has given you and I just wish you were still in Memphis :) Be proud of all that you have accomplished and give the glory to God!
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